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Our Vision
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Welcome to the National Forest

We believe in a positive future. With the help of our communities, partners, and passionate people like you, we are transforming 200 square miles of the Midlands into a beacon for sustainability – a living example of how people and nature can thrive together.

The vision
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9 million
trees planted so far

Life is better with trees

Trees are transformational. We’re finding space for nature alongside where people live and work, so the benefits are felt by everyone.

30 years
of transformation

A history of positive change

We’ve transformed a landscape from black to green, breathing life into communities and helping wildlife thrive.

square miles of the Midlands

Rooted in the heart of the country

The National Forest spans Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire, and offers a rich and vibrant landscape to explore.

What’s new in the Forest

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Let’s grow the future

We can’t do this alone; we need your help. Whether you choose to make your own small commitment to the planet or want to get more actively involved, you’re standing up for positive change.

Plant trees

There are many ways to plant trees in the Forest, why not join us for a planting event or dedicate a tree.

Make a donation

Whether you can make a one-off donation or can support monthly, you’re standing up for positive change.

Apply for a grant

We want to bring people together and support those who also want to bring about transformation.